DUPILUMAB(DUPIXENT) has been approved for moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. This drug is an Interleukin(IL)-4 inhibitor. These patients have failed topical aggressive moisturizers,corticosteroids and immunomodulators(Elidel/Protopic). Eligible patients are >18years of age and have had an insurance prior approval. This subcutaneous injection is initially given at 600mg, then 300mg every 2 wks. The 1ST dose is administered in our office and subsequent dosages are self injected at home. Contraindications include allergic reactions to any of the ingredients in Dupixent. No live vaccines should be administered when patients are on this medication. It is also not approved for pregnancy/breastfeeding. The most common side effects include site reactions and inflammation/redness of the eyes and eyelids. Dr Rockoff and his staff will determine which patients are eligible for this new monoclonal therapy.