Recent data from Israel showed a much lower incidence of Israeli children developing peanut allergy than here in the US. Further research revealed their infants were fed peanut products much earlier in life. Studies now confirm when peanut products are ingested by 6 months of age, these children are much less prone to develop peanut allergies. Patients with egg allergies and severe eczema are high risk for peanut allergy. These children should have peanut skin tests and/or a blood test(Immunocap RAST) to determine if they are allergic. If their test are negative, peanuts should be introduced between 4-6 months of age. Mild to moderate eczema patients should have peanuts introduced by 6 months after a few solids(cereals/fruits and vegetables) have been tolerated. We recommend using Bamba which is a peanut containing puff. Some practices use peanut butter mixed with milk(breast or formula) or hot water. We do not recommend direct peanut butter or actual peanuts because of obvious choking potential. Avoid peanut introduction to patients who are sick.
With the above knowledge we can hopefully look forward to reversing the surging trend towards increase peanut allergies in young children especially over the past 2 decades.
More to come…. JR